We build our future Brick by Brick

Noi suntem BrickBot#15996, echipa de robotică a Colegiului Național “Unirea”, din Focșani, Vrancea.

Prin eforturi susținute, participarea la competiții și evenimente comunitare, dar și cu sprijinul oferit de liceu, reușim să inspirăm și să atragem tot mai mulți tineri pasionați de tehnologie și invoație să exploreze fascinanta lume a roboticii și valorile programului FIRST.

Caravana BrickBot FLL

Activitățile noastre

  • Updates from Houston🇺🇸 #2

    Updates from Houston🇺🇸 #2

    Updates from Houston🇺🇸 #2:The last day of qualifying matches at the FIRST Championship went great and all the romanian teams made it to the semifinals !!🇷🇴💓 @teamtehnoz @ro2d2team @cyliispepp @autovortex Also, our Dean’s List Finalist had the opportunity to meet Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST! Alex even had his badge signed by him!! Congrats to all…

  • Updates from Huston!

    Updates from Huston!

    Updates from Houston🇺🇸:The first day of matches at the FIRST Championship went by and it was amazing!!! We already made a lot of friends from all over the world and we can’t wait to visit more pits!!

  • Huston day #1!

    Huston day #1!

    Our Dean’s List Finalist had the opportunity to meet new people and experience new things in Houston🇺🇸! Alexandru got to visit NASA Johnson Space Centre where he discovored  a lot of interesting info about Earth and The Universe🚀🚀. He also bought the team gifts to remember this adventure! Good luck to all romanian teams🇷🇴💛🖤

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